воскресенье, 25 сентября 2016 г.

How To Put The Baby To Bed: Problems And Decisions

Only some kids can go to baby cot bed without any problems. It is rather difficult for them to sleep alone in the crib without parents' persuasions and to follow certain rituals.

All in all there are several rules, which are able to help and to decide the problem how to put the baby to sleep easier. Let's discover the moments, which are considered to be the most important ones, according to the specialists' points of view. 

 The biological clock

In various periods of their life children sleep in different ways. This process doesn't depend on the age only, but also on the existence of so-called biological clock in the children's life. In the course of life this mechanism gradually begins to combine the activity of daily routine, diet and health, especially the nervous system. Due to the studies, children have genetically fixed biological rhythms, which are not the result of upbringing or reaction to environmental changes.

The dream of newborn baby

Newborn baby sleeps most of the day and wakes up only when he/she is hungry. But this process has not set by hours in the life of a small person. And the children's sleep can range from a few minutes to 5-6 hours, especially in kids who are breastfed. Being hungry the child usually informs about it with a loud cry. And in order to achieve the distinction between night and day sleep, you can gradually create a special atmosphere for sleeping.
During the daytime you can curtain the window and combine the process with domestic noises, for example, a TV working, kitchen and water sounds, quiet conversation of households or street bustle, if the sleeping coincides with a walk. For nighttime rest it is necessary to curtain the windows off more tightly, to dim the lights and to turn off or down all the sounding items (telephone, TV). Try to speak more quietly. Some experienced parents recommend to bathe a baby before sleeping, it will gradually become a special signal for him/her. All these actions are considered to be something like a sleeping ritual.

The preparation should be short

The ideal preparation for sleep should not take more than 30 minutes. In such a way the child receives a stimulus to go to sleep quickly. If the preparation for sleep takes much more time, instead of to calm the baby vice versa becomes more active.

The child shakes his/her head and rocks from side to side

Children can use the rhythmic, repetitive movements to calm down and to fall asleep in the evening or at night when they have waken up. This is a fairly common practice in the first year of kids life. Such rocks may last from a few minutes to half an hour.
The list of things that you can do in order to make preparations for the night more quiet and comfortable: 
  • Move the kids bed away from the wall.  
  • Place rubber protectors under the legs of the crib in order to reduce its mobility and noise level. 
  • Do not enter the room very often to check the baby.Your presence may form the child's habit to draw the attention not to calm on the own.

Scary dreams

Being the toddler children begin to dream. As a rule it happens when they learn to speak. Young children usually do not remember their dreams, even those ones, which were terrifying. If you notice that your child often has nightmares, consult a physician to determine the cause of stress.

Separation fear

If the child has a fear of separation or he/she has slept for a long time with the parents, try to put a mattress on the floor of the room and encourage the child for moving the mattress closer to his/her own bed.

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