If you want your baby to grow up healthy, you need to take care of his/her development and safety since the early days. Choosing different items for newborns, you should take this activity very seriously. Mind that all items should be safe and of high-quality. You must be absolutely sure that you buy really perfect things for your child.
Health of the baby from the first days
Talking about the kids' health in general, it should be noted that the newborns require physical exercises from the first days of their life.
This may be a special gymnastics, outdoor exercise, massage, conditioning to the cold and motor skills training. In this case it is recommended not to forget about gradual and systematic going from more simple to more complex procedures.
Muscle trainings are very important not only to physical development. Slight sport exercises, which can be performed even in a baby cot, develop and improve attention, concentration and memory. As a result, these children learn to read and to write much faster. It is recommended to encourage love to physical activity. Why? - The matter is that kids are usually sick and tired of sitting calm for a long time, and they need to do something in order to release the energy. It is not even not so important what kind of sport you choose your baby should like the movement in order to prevent the habit of a sedentary lifestyle.
By the way, the scientists have found that physical activity is directly connected with the development of the child's intelligence. The better-developed fine motor skills of fingers he/she has, the better the brain develops in general. Energetic and cheerful children are more active in exploring the world and show their talents more clearly. They often give the world new and creative ideas.
How to choose safe products for a newborn
It is important for your child not to get everything possible, but to have the items of the highest quality. It concerns not only to goods and toys, but also clothing and furniture, for example, convertible cribs. You should also pay attention to the fact that for each age there are some definite rules and regulations.
The manufacturers of children's production do not have the right to violate them. For example, kids under the age of one year have to play with rattles without any removable parts. It is also recommended not to buy small children too bright toys, as they may negatively affect the forming vision.
But children over three years old are able to play more complex mechanisms, which are subject to one condition: they must not contain small parts. The children under five years old should not take any toys with details of at least five centimeters in diameter. Why? - The matter is that they may accidentally appear in the child's airway.
Safe toys for the baby have to be beautiful and of different regular shape. At the same time these items have to meet all necessary sanitary and hygienic requirements. For example, the car models have to have the wheels, which can't be fallen down, the painted details should not fade after their contact with water and being pressed the parts must not leave any deflection marks.
Tips for selecting toys for a newborn
According to the specialists' point of view, it is recommended to buy all toys only in stores where all products are subject to strict control regulations. You can also ask for appropriate quality certificates. Be sure to pay attention to the toy labeling. It must be legible and contain all the necessary information about the product. Never buy toys without packaging. - But if it occasionally happens, wash the item thoroughly before giving to child. All the things, which that are stored on the shelves without packaging, are considered to be a demonstration. It can be watched and touched but the seller is obliged to purchase the toy in its original packaging from the manufacturer.
Choosing the toys for a newborn, you should take into account that during the first months the baby hears badly and sees the objects only at arm's length. All objects, that are arranged farther away, turn into one bright blur. Therefore, while the needs of the newborn are small, he/she does not need a lot of toys. Rattle is among of the most popular ones. Its sounds attract the baby and allow to develop hearing. By the way four different rattles will be quite enough, but they should be different in texture, color and internal filling.
You can buy a few small baby rattles on a string. These things are convenient to be hung over the crib. Your child will be able to follow them by eyes and then touch by hands. Toy on the thin handle also remains quite a popular idea for the gift. It is usually put into the baby's hand, in order to develop a grasping reflex.
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