понедельник, 21 ноября 2016 г.

How To Deal With The Child's Caprices

According to the specialists' point of view, many contemporary parents do not know how to respond to children's bad moods and caprices, just irritating and crying in this situation.
Here are some tips from the experienced psychologists.

 1. Stay calm in any situations

The psychologists recommend to stay calm in any situation. Do not cry at the child: find a method to show the child your point of view somehow in a different way. Of course, choosing a gift, you can organize, for example, a car toys onlineshopping, and your son or daughter won't take part in this process. Or just explain why you do not do what he/she wants. If the kid does not respond to your arguments, wait when he/she calms down and is able to perceive your words properly. In order to get the child out of hysteria, hug your sweetie tightly and hold for a while in the arms. Tell your baby that you love him/her even in those moments when he/she is angry, but you become sad and worried, if he/she screams loudly and falls on the floor.

2. Be patient

In public places it is better to wait while the attack of hysteria stops without any responding to the child's behavior and comments of other people. If it is possible, take the crying baby into the car or outside the shop. It is not recommended to promise the baby something, for example, an amazing kids rideon toys, for good behavior. When the child calms down, discuss the situation and explain that it is unacceptable to behave like that in the presence of strangers

3. Keep your word

If you said "no", keep this ban, no matter how sorry you are your child. Many parents are willing to allow little tikes car, teddy bear, doll - everything to stop them screaming. But mind that acting in such a way, they perpetuate the undesirable behavior of the child. By the way, psychologists advise all members of the family to keep the same strategy in child's upbringing. As a rule this will help to prevent the children's whims at the stage of their origin.

4. Use reasonable arguments

Try to come to the conclusion with the child. You see, the kids over four years old already understand the punishment as a consequence of bad behavior. For this purpose set the clear rules. For example, "if you do not stop screaming, you won't watch any cartoons."

5. Draw the child's attention to something different

Do not punish the child for whims. It makes more sense to divert the attention to something else. For instance, ask to find some products on the shelves or offer to carry the shopping basket in a supermarket. The necessity to perform any action usually helps to distract the child from whims and desires to insist on something.

6. Prevent the children's whims

In any case try to prevent the children's whims. Avoid situations where the possibility to have the child's caprices is high. Thus, parents should not go shopping with hungry and tired child, if they do not want to cause a new explosion of emotions.

7. Do not leave your kids alone

If the child does not want to communicate, do not leave him/her alone in a stressful condition. At the same time an excessive care in this situation is also forbidden. After all, the kid's caprices are considered to be a real protest against parental supervision. In such a way they demonstrate their desire to be independent. So just keep quiet and continue to do something. Then the child will know that you are always here, and your solution is final.

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