четверг, 17 ноября 2016 г.

The Main Criteria For Children Toys Selection

Sometimes it is rather difficult to choose kids furniture as well as kids toys for sale. The specialists recommend to do it taking into account three main criteria.
Let's discuss them all in details.
Choosing the toys, you should always mind the kids' age. Only in this case the gift will be interesting and help to develop the necessary skills. It is important to realize that the items for older children (for example, hoversboards for sale in Florida) can be dangerous for the small ones, as they may contain small parts.
The so-called age categories are usually divided into 6 groups:
·        Kids from 3 months to a year old are interested in toys that allow to reach them out and to touch.
·        Children from one to three years old prefer toys that need to be folded, creating something new. They adore to deal with simple tasks.
·        From three to four years old children love the role illustration. Buying a present, it is necessary to give preference to figures of favorite characters, block constructors, balls and simple puzzles.
·        Children from four to five years old adore different kinds of transformations. At this age, the child will be extremely happy to get push cars for toddlers, as they will give him/her the opportunity to simulate the invented game.
·        For boys and girls of primary school age it is recommended to get the constructors, puzzles and mosaics, which will allow to develop the logical abilities.
·        The kids of senior school age will appreciate the complicated constructors, creative sets and radio control items, which are so popular as kids toys for sale.

The gifts appointment

All in all there are 4 basic types of toys appointments:
·               Sensory toys are created for the smallest ones. This category develops vision and touch, stimulating at the same time the hearing. Touch-sensitive toys include musical items, rattles, mobiles, etc.
·               Educational toys are aimed at developing and strengthening of fine motor skills, intellectual and logical abilities of the baby. This category includes constructors, educational centers, creative sets, children's musical instruments, board games and much more.
·               Role toys allow a child to develop his/her imagination. This category is represented by toys, accessories as well as household items. With the help of them it is possible to create scenes and images, appreciated by your child. It includes various figures of animals, people, transport, models of furniture, accessories and cartoon characters.
·               Sports toys are designed for active pastime and team games. The sports toys include different kinds of sports equipment: balls, jump ropes, roller skates, skis, bicycles and playgrounds, trampolines, sandbox kits and products for water recreation.


Make sure that the toy has no sharp edges. Otherwise the child can be scratched or injured. The items for young children shall not contain small parts. Or their number should be kept to a minimum for preschool children.
The toy should not have an unpleasant smell, and the surface must be free of scrapes. These features are considered to be an indication of poor quality. The specialists recommend to avoid toys which contain polyvinyl chloride as it is considered to be quite toxic.
So, taking into account everything mentioned above, choosing the kids toys for sale it will be enough to mind the child's age, to understand all the advantages and to ensure its quality. Following these simple rules, you will make the choice easily and your child will be happy.

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